When it comes to the most options for the deepest, darkest, perfectly natural-looking sunless tan, look to the Mystic MyMyst System. Our Mystic MyMyst UV free spray on tanning booth is designed to deliver a customized sunless tanning application based on your body size, skin type, and desired color. Expect a perfectly uniform, natural-looking tan in less than 60 seconds thanks to new personal cartridges. You simply choose the exact color that's right for you. We have cartridges in glow, light, medium and dark as well as a variety of additives such as bronzing boosters and an assortment of scented aroma blends leaving your skin with an invigorating fragrance.
*Please wait between 4-6 hours before you take a shower, to give time for the mystic tan to fully set in.
Mystic Spray Tanning

MYSTIC Colors include